Friday, May 29, 2009

U agree?

My friend send an sms...

感叹男人: 有才华的长的丑、长的帅的挣钱少、挣钱多的不顾家、顾家的没出息、有出息的不浪漫、会浪漫的靠不住、靠的住的又窝囊;

感叹女人: 漂亮的不下厨房、下厨房的不温柔、温柔的没主见、有主见的没女人味、有女人味的乱花钱、不乱花钱的不时尚、时尚的不放心、放心的没法看.


U agree?



this is a good one....hahaha~

there's no perfect man la...but at least choose some one who suits u de most :)

Merryn said...

i totally disagree! LOL! actually, i dun even know wat is written coz i dun read chinese! :D

Family First said...

apa cakap?

Joanna Tang said...

Leumas:The best solution is to hand it to God ^_^

Merryn:Aiyoh..maybe it means good fortune leh.. hehehe!

Family first:regarding relationship lah, i'll explain to u..

Towards healthy and leisure life~! said...

Hope you enjoy your vacation there!